Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord: Weekend of January 7 & 8

In today’s second reading we hear the teachings of Saint Paul
to the members of the Church at Ephesus. He proclaims that
he, and they, are stewards of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and
therefore stewards of God’s loving, unifying and inclusive
grace. He also proclaims that the Holy Spirit is at work
within each of them, if only they would be open to the
Spirit. Today, our world races by with intolerance, violence,
desperate poverty, fear and division. At the beginning of this
New Year, perhaps it is appropriate to reflect on Saint Paul’s
words and ask ourselves how we can be good stewards of
the gospel today. How will we allow the Holy Spirit to work
within us? How can we be better stewards of Christ’s justice
and peace?