Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

December 25, 2022
Amidst the beautiful Christmas readings at today’s Masses
is a reading from a small New Testament letter from Saint
Paul to his protégé, Titus, read at Midnight Mass. Saint
Paul reminds Titus that God has given us a gift in the
person of Jesus Christ. This gift represents God’s active
presence in our lives and in our world. This gift redeems
us from evil and death. This gift purifies us as God’s
people. This is a gift that also comes with an expectation:
that we receive it with thanksgiving, allow it to transform
us into Christ’s image; and from it, learn how to live a life
“eager to do what is good.” Take time the next few days
to reflect on the marvelous gift we celebrate at Christmas,
and how we might become better stewards of this gift.