Spirited Seniors: Trip to Little Italy

All Day

Spirited Seniors had so much fun in Old Town that we have already planned our next adventure for Wednesday, June 20. We are going to Little Italy! After catching the coaster (only $5.50 roundtrip) at 9:37am, we will head to the Old Town Depot and catch a trolley to Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Little  Italy. We’ll attend noon Mass there and have plenty of time to explore the gift shop, grounds and be inspired by the incredible paintings, statues and stain glass of the church.  After Mass, we will walk a few blocks to have lunch at Filippi’s Pizza Grotto. After a leisurely lunch, trip goers can choose to catch a returning trolley and coaster home or stick around for a little shopping and sightseeing in Little Italy before returning home a little later.

Please join us on this next trip and don’t hesitate to come by yourself. We all stick together and you’ll have new friends before you know it. For more information or to RSVP,  contact Debbie at spiritedseniors@stmarystars.org or contact the church office  at 760-722-1688.